Praxis Latest Published Article: Decoding Chakras – A Contemporary Challenge to Ancient Thinking

When you see or hear the word ‘chakra‘ – what immediately comes into your awareness?

Such words as energy, chakras, auras and subtle bodies have become relatively commonplace within our everyday vocabularies and conversations. An ever-growing population want to know about energy and spirituality. Those yearning for something more than a routine daily existence have reached ‘critical mass’- they are prompted by a desire for inner fulfillment, for a reconnection with a sense of the sacred in life.

It is no wonder that the Chakra system appeals to Western ‘seekers after truth‘. Yet this raises the intriguing question – How can this ancient Chakric wisdom (from an Eastern culture) ‘make sense‘ and be appropriate to those living a modern Western-centric life?

My aim for this article is to invite you to engage with this scrutiny through a contemporary exploration of the ancient wisdom of Chakras.

I will offer two paradoxes by which to challenge established thinking. . .

Click here to download and read Lina’s full article published in BWY Spectrum Autumn 2016 edition


Praxis Yoga Follow on Practice 4: Rta – It’s all in the timing

It’s all in the timing” – quoting Bruce Springsteen’s reflections about the impact of Elvis and his influence – including on changing American popular culture. To me, a yoga practice provides a snapshot opportunity to re-attune your pace to your unique frequency and ‘natural timing‘ – just the same as how a tuning fork offers a re-calibration process for musical instruments. This practice emphasises the importance of using the breath and mantra practice to offer this reset function – through the lunar breath (chandra bhedena) and ahem-prema vocal practice respectively.

Latest Praxis Yoga Follow on Practice 3

Welcome to Praxis Yoga Follow On Class 3, working with the class theme:

“Working with a structured practice – offers access to a heightened state of awareness”

Have you ever had an ‘a-ha’ moment of realisation?

In Praxis terms, this is a connection to a heightened sense of awareness that enables you to tap into your innate intelligence, wisdom and creativity. Feeling safe within enables a deeper connection to a greater sense of self. Having a supportive structure can offer that sense of safety.

Today’s practice encourages you to work with this, using the timing of a count to 4 whilst exhaling, to begin that process of increasing your depth awareness and creating more ‘a-ha’ opportunities. Enjoy.